Organic Means Cleaner

Publicado por Ecotastic Earth en

Why is organic such a hot button in today’s society? What has made us, as consumers, willing to pay a higher price for the same product just because it says “Organic”? Those are some fantastic questions and I will try to answer them very simply. There is always much more information out on the web about organic products but here we go for a quick down and dirty answer.

What exactly does “Organic” mean in relation to products that we see and use? Organic means that the item and MOST of its components are derived from living matter. It can also mean that during the production of the base components there has been no use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or other artificial agents. Organic producers rely on natural substances and physical, mechanical, or biologically based farming methods to the fullest extent possible. When packaged products indicate they are “organic” it means they contain at least 70% organically produced ingredients. The remaining non-organic ingredients or processes are produced without using prohibited practices (genetic engineering, for example) but can include substances that would not otherwise be allowed in 100% organic products.

Organically made products use the above guidelines for identifying as “Organic”. This can mean the process used to make the item is organic; vegetable dyes for cloth, organically grown cotton, or organic wool for example, and also that the original base product is 70% or more organically grown or sourced. As an example of organically sourced, clay masks use certain types of clays that are harvested from the ground so these would be organic. Organic cotton is grown without the use of extra chemicals and bamboo is as well.

Personal care products can also be organic if they have met the requirements of the USDA. These will fall into 4 different categories; 100% Organic, Organic, Made with Organic Ingredients, or Made with less than 70% organic ingredients. Personal care can mean many things like deodorant, shampoo, lotion, tampons, etc. As with organic food, personal care products will come with a bit of a higher price tag in order to reduce or remove harmful chemical use. However, we as consumers are definitely more worried about what goes not only in our bodies but on them. What that means is that this cleaner option comes with the price tag as well.

When seeing the organic label or identifier you can rest assured that the products you are purchasing are cleaner, healthier, and all around better for the planet and you than other items. Most of these items are recyclable and/or compostable as well which will feed the process of making our planet cleaner for future generations to come.



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