Fair Trade

Publicado por Ecotastic Earth en

You may have heard of it, you may not. We carry it in our store (a significant number of our products) and that may be where you have seen it but what is Fair Trade? Well, I can tell you it’s not an eye-for-an-eye nor is it I’ll trade you this for that. Fair Trade is a belief, a crusade, an iconic way of life to bring equality and fair treatment around the world.


The Fair Trade Federation is in the business of making sure that artisans and makers of products around the world are treated and paid a fair wage for the products that they sell. Let me explain. The Fair Trade Federation is an association fully committed to equitable and sustainable trading partnerships. The FTF works with members to grow the global movement of trade that values the health of the planet, and the labor, dignity, and equality of all people. Wow, that was a mouthful. Basically, what all that means is that the artisans and makers of products especially small-scale makers and farming partners receive fair compensation for their products.


Most artisans that are impacted by the FTF produce small-scale, high quality, traditional and authentic products. These are then purchased via the FTF guidelines which go well beyond fair wages, benefits, working conditions, and socioeconomic minimums. These long-term partnerships are built on trust, not “what can I get from You”.

We here at EcotasticEarth carry many fair-trade products because of our belief in the system and the vision of the FTF. We source products from Nepal in Asia to the Congo in Africa to Peru in South America. We look for FTF certification whenever we look for our eco-friendly, hand-made, traditionally produced products. We fully believe in poverty alleviation and sustainable development that our partners in the FTF believe in as well. We work with FTF members because of the social and economic opportunities created by our partners with marginalized communities and these FTF partners place the interest of the artisan and their community as their primary concern.


Ultimately, the Fair Trade Federation encourages an understanding by all its members of their role in world trade. Our partners actively raise awareness about Fair Trade and the possibility of greater justice in the global economic system. They encourage customers and artisans to ask questions about conventional and alternative supply chains and to make informed choices. Our partners demonstrate that trade can be a positive force for improving living standards, health, education, the distribution of power, and the environment in the communities with which they work. This is a true and worthy crusade for us here at EcotasticEarth and we will continue to do our part in the future to raise awareness about fair trade and the FTF.



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