How We got Started

Posted by Ecotastic Earth on

Hi Everyone!! Recycling has always been a part of our family because it is simple to do. The idea of a store with earth friendly products began with a desire to reduce the amount of plastic waste on our planet. Every day, no matter where we go, we see plastic littering the streets. From bags and bottles to toothbrushes and anything else you can imagine, it is everywhere. We are EcotasticEarth, a company specifically designed to help people along their journey to being more eco-friendly.

We wanted to start a store where people can come to find everyday items that are fun to use, ecologically friendly to make, and are fantastic to discover, or what we like to call ECOTASTIC! Whether the item is recycled, upcycled, recyclable, compostable, or sustainable every little bit will go a long way to improving our environment. 

The process to change to a more sustainable lifestyle can seem a bit daunting. So where do you begin? Start simple. Find one thing made of plastic that you can replace. Start with a toothbrush.

Stay tuned for more...



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